"What's the matter with you? You killed that guy!"
-page 80

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Prophecy

We made it. We got to the oracle of Mianamon.
She told us the new prophecy and died in the process. She gave up her life to help us destroy Maldor, but there is a chance. Out of all the possible futures the oracle could only foresee one in which we defeat Maldor. We will have to split up and go on two separate quests. Rachel would go to Trensicourt with Galloran and half of our group to put together the rest of the army and march to Felrook and prepare for war. I have to go with the other half of our group to the Celestine Library, but to reach the library we must first defeat the Maumet. At the library we need to figure out information on how to find Darian the Seer. Once we find our information we have to in search of Darian the Seer, who is supposed to be dead, and he is going to tell us a secret that could destroy Maldor. I hope this works, because according to the oracle we only have one chance.

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