"What's the matter with you? You killed that guy!"
-page 80

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lots of Luck

Our luck has held, barely.
We made it to the Seven Vales, barely.
We convinced the Amar Kabal to join us, barely.
We made it past the Howling Notch, barely.
And we made it through the Forsaken Kingdom, barely.
We were being chased by Maldor's men and made it to the safety of Seven Vales just in time. Once there we had to convince the Amar Kabal to join us in opposing Maldor. They said that if the oracle of Mianamon told us that there was at least one possible future in which we defeat Maldor they would join us. So we set off for Mianamon in the Southern jungles, but first we had to get past the Howling Notch, where we lost two of the Amar Kabal in our company. Then we had to get through the Forsaken Kingdom where we were almost eaten by the undead. The Drinlings saved us at the last minute. The Drinlings also decided to join us in trying to bring down Maldor. Our army is growing but we will still need many more soldiers to defeat the emperor.

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