"What's the matter with you? You killed that guy!"
-page 80

Monday, March 17, 2014


Map of Lyrian

Maldor made maps illegal in Lyrian to limit travel and make it easier for him to rule all of Lyrian, but inside the Lorevault at Trensicourt there is a secret map.

The Prophecy

We made it. We got to the oracle of Mianamon.
She told us the new prophecy and died in the process. She gave up her life to help us destroy Maldor, but there is a chance. Out of all the possible futures the oracle could only foresee one in which we defeat Maldor. We will have to split up and go on two separate quests. Rachel would go to Trensicourt with Galloran and half of our group to put together the rest of the army and march to Felrook and prepare for war. I have to go with the other half of our group to the Celestine Library, but to reach the library we must first defeat the Maumet. At the library we need to figure out information on how to find Darian the Seer. Once we find our information we have to in search of Darian the Seer, who is supposed to be dead, and he is going to tell us a secret that could destroy Maldor. I hope this works, because according to the oracle we only have one chance.

Lots of Luck

Our luck has held, barely.
We made it to the Seven Vales, barely.
We convinced the Amar Kabal to join us, barely.
We made it past the Howling Notch, barely.
And we made it through the Forsaken Kingdom, barely.
We were being chased by Maldor's men and made it to the safety of Seven Vales just in time. Once there we had to convince the Amar Kabal to join us in opposing Maldor. They said that if the oracle of Mianamon told us that there was at least one possible future in which we defeat Maldor they would join us. So we set off for Mianamon in the Southern jungles, but first we had to get past the Howling Notch, where we lost two of the Amar Kabal in our company. Then we had to get through the Forsaken Kingdom where we were almost eaten by the undead. The Drinlings saved us at the last minute. The Drinlings also decided to join us in trying to bring down Maldor. Our army is growing but we will still need many more soldiers to defeat the emperor.

I can't speak Edomic

So far things are going pretty well on this quest.
We just met back up with Rachel and Drake. Rachel is a Beyonder, too. We didn't come to Lyrian together but we've been working to defeat Maldor since we got here. I'm so glad they're safe, I was worried that something had happened to them. While Rachel and Drake were away they stayed with a charm woman who taught Rachel the wizard language of Edomic. Not everybody can speak Edomic, in fact most people can't, including me. Rachel's ability to speak Edomic could be vital in helping us overthrow Maldor. Also Ferrin has officially joined our side which will definitely help in destroying the emperor. So far we have had a lot of luck, but we'll need even more because we are about to go blow up a bridge guarded by the emperor's men.

Back to Lyrian

I just got swallowed by a hippo. Again.
My friends and family and everyone else at the zoo will probably think I'm crazy. I hope nothing bad happens to the hippo, but I had to come back. I had to return to Lyrian. I have to tell Rachel and everyone else the secret. They have to know that the Word is a fake. Its probably the best kept secret in Lyrian, there is no way they would find out the truth without me telling them. It would have been much easier though, if I hadn't had to jump down a hippos throat, for the second time! I just got back to Lyrian and I'm already being followed by a lurker and giants are trying to eat me. Its all Ferrin's fault. Then again he did free me from the dungeons of Felrook and he supposedly betrayed the evil emperor Maldor to join our side, but still.....